Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Update: Scotland

Got an email from Jodi who said the "trip was great, being with Jason the best part." I am so thankful we have Jason with us and glad their first trip abroad was great.

However, I got this postcard yesterday. It says "Greetings from London, Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square" on the picture side. It tells a little different story:

Wonderful trip
Jodi is in jail and
I've lost my passport
Send money and
don't watch the news.

We now "know" Jason had an interesting time on his travels to the British Isles.
Sigh and BTW don't expect any clearer communication from our favorite Captain and "communications major." Jason's mind is "free and at large." Enjoy the summer.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Another Soldier on the front page of the Chicago Tribune

Sorry this notice is late:

If you can go on line you may be able to see the front page of Thursday's July 6, 2006 Chicago Tribune you will find an article about one the soldiers that was injured in Iraq. He is a resident of Chicago's Rolling Meadow suburb. Brian is infectious with his smile and willing to "give it a try!" His mother is a saint and one very good woman. I never remember meeting his stepdad
at Walter Reed. Brian was often in his wheel chair leading a line of leg amputees around WR, through the halls, across the post, in and out of Mologne. "Go Brian Go."

I hope Brian makes his goal of "being done with therapy by December." As you see from the report he and Jason were injured about the same time and so their stays have been overlapping. We are hoping that Jason will be "medically retired" within the normal three months for the process which will be around the end of September. I pray that Brian and all the soldier patients will have a great life with family and friends all around.

Summer is beautiful in Chicago till now, but the weather is to get "muggy" When the Lake heats do we. Hope you have a great summer