Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Eagle is Soaring

After 1 year and 2 weeks at Walter Reed, Captain Jason D. Scott is medically retired from the United States Army and as of Novemeber 2, 2006 was driving to Florida and to his new apartment home with Jodi Bower in Orlando Florida. Jason called his dad from somewhere near Richmond Va. on route to Jodi and the "First Day of the Rest of Jason's Life."

Jason Scott and Jodi Bower: 1506 Greenwood, Orlando Fl 32801

Jason returned to WR on July 5th to begin to be outprocessed by the army. He was hoping for the shortest "turn around time" for all the paper work which would have been Oct 1, 2006. The army being the bureaucratic system we all know it is took a month longer. This was one "prayerful mom" during this time asking that Jason be retired as soon as possible.

Jason of course could not start the University of Florida Business School this year, but is number one on the list for entrance for next year 2007. I am very happy that Jason will have this year to continue healing and rebuilding his muscles and nerves and time for re-entry into civilian life. Jason told his dad that he was up to "four miles on the treadmill." That is great news!

Jason and Jodi have a new pet...a hedgehog, I will try to get the picture to the blog. I call the hedge hog Alive Clive, remember his healing mascot? Jason wrote, "Newest grandchild, Clive likes plasma tv's for a shower gift." So if anyone out there would like to indulge Clive, feel free to do so. This grandma is taking a pass on the plasma tv!