Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Monday, May 22, 2006

Jason Sees Poseidon

I thought cousin Gary Lewis was going to take me to the Metro this morning, however he cooked my egg and toast breakfast and drove me all the way back to Walter Reed. I asked him to come and see if we could find Jason. We found a parking spot by Mologne but Jason and Jodi were not at Mologne. After Gary dropped me off, I got a call from Jason and he wanted to eat lunch at Panera's and see a show if there was one scheduled that he'd hadn't seen yet.

We caught up with each other's weekend's activities over lunch and tried the show. There wasn't any we both wanted to see but Jason decided he wanted to watch Poseidon so I walked back to WR to resume my daily regime of walking 2.5 miles for exercise. Jason will continue to practice driving the car so he will drive back to WR. Jason said that Poseidon was "okay."

When I got back to the room, I began washing clothes, doing the blog and the phone rang. It was Jason's Uncle Stan Cohen (my sister Judy's husband) from Brussels here to see about "next-step" housing for his mother. (I reported on my visit with Florence in an earlier blog). Florence would like to return to her own home so Stan will have to decide if, with assistance for Florence, that is possible. Because of his and Jason's schedule, Stan has only tomorrow afternoon to visit Jason so he will have to "make it work" if at all possible.

I went to the mess hall for dinner and Jason went to Wendy's as he called me while I was eating my salad and asked, "Want anything from Wendy's?" I said, "No thanks." So we met later at the room. Jason talked to Jodi on the phone while I went downstairs and talked to Lisa about the "end of school year." I am collecting boxes to help pack Jason up and store while he is on con leave whenever the Doc gives his approval. I have to begin to pack for my return to Chicago.

If you have any connections in Chicago let me know as I will be looking for work on my return. Let us give thanks for friends and families and movie makers. Let us give thanks for beautiful days in spring; this one had blue sky sprinkled with puffy clouds.


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