Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Monday, February 13, 2006

First Fire Drill and Inspection

The sun is shining today, but it is very cold, just as the weather person predicted!

Jason got up at his usual time, 7 AM and headed for PT at 8:30. Jason and Kyla worked on strengthening his hip muscles and his jaw exercises. Kyla and Jason were discussing a new movie about the Crusades, one of those movies that "bend" history to make a "better story" They wanted to know if people who see these movies and do no further education on the era, accept them as "real history."

Jason returned to Mologne House somewhat after 12 and the "interesting part of Monday" began. This is the first time Mologne has had an inspection since we have stayed here. Jason found it interesting because during his time in Iraq, he was in charge of the barrack inspections for his men. As in Iraq, more than one dog is used to inspect the rooms. One dog sniffing for drugs would go in and come out; one dog for ammunition, guns, etc. would follow (command "Seek.") After the dogs were done sniffing, we were asked to vacate the room so the inspection could occur. Two soldiers went into the room and closed the door behind them to inspect the property. Jason said that was not done in Iraq, a soldier could always stay with his possessions. The MP said they were generally following barrack procedures except they "couldn't force parents/relatives to leave, only ask." We stood in the hall for about 10 minutes for these inspections, the returned to eat lunch only to experience...

In a few minutes the fire alarm went off! We have never done a fire alarm drill since moving into Mologne either. Now by this time Jason was to have left for afternoon OT and he was saying, "Not going to make it." It is cold outside and, of course, that is where we must "rally." The soldier outside said "You can go to the gym if you choose." Jason with his PT shorts on in the middle of eating his Whopper said, "No, I'll wait here." "Here" being about 100' from the building in the sun, but cold, really cold outside. Jason' spends the time talking to Jodi on the cell while she is between classes at U of Florida where it is warm, nice and warm.

People are still coming out of Mologne and a young family is coming in! They have a cart filled with stuff and are holding a baby. Today was supposed to be moving day for their patient soldier. Part of the family couldn't fly out till tomorrow because of the storm so they were attempting to move the patient's things into the room before he actually moves in tomorrow. WR wanted him to move today, but they said "No," smart decision. We talk about life at Mologne, fire drills and amputations as dad had his own arm amputated by an industrial press when he was 18. He is envious of the prosthetics that the soldiers have and would have one if he could. He has had an active work career in construction and remodeling; said he was the only one who could do such work amongst his dad and brothers. He says "I've had a good career and full life with home, mortgage and children." (I love the mortgage part) He hopes that his son will go to college and his son, into physical fitness, has the dream to open a gym. BTW, Jason is still standing in the cold in his shorts talking to Jodi on the phone.

We begin a discussion about "How do leg amputees get out of Mologne during a fire drill?" (Mologne has 4 floors and 274 rooms. First floor has a limited number of rooms available for patients.) There are a number of residents in wheelchairs. Jason and I saw a double leg amputee soldier in his wheel chair as we left our room on the third floor. One of the other soldiers had the kindness and quick thinking to ask, "Do you want me to carry you out?" The soldier replied, "No, I'll take the elevator, but if this was a real fire..." Later, the sergeant who declared an "all clear" to us, said this was an "issue that had to be addressed with the Fire Department (and housing I would think.)" I thought "patients have been living here since the war began..." I remember the night we moved in prior to Jason's coming, I was taken aback because one of the parents that night mentioned this very same thing "What happens in the case of fire?" I could only respond, "Really good question, we will have to wait and see what the answer will be and hope we don't have a fire in the meantime." Maybe this drill was the result of her concern being expressed to the administration.

Jason's left hand is looking freezing cold, his legs are covered in double goose bumps and finally we head back into the room. I finish lunch, now very late, and Jason says, "I'll watch TV, (Discovery and History channels), for a while and head for PT. At 3 PM, he says, "Can't go, I am too tired," flips off the TV and takes a nap which is why I am writing the blog at 3:30 in the afternoon. It is so quiet, I am glad for him that he can rest uninterrupted for a nap. I think the jam packed weekends tire Jason out although he wouldn't have it any other way, so he catches up on his healing rest on Monday. Jason woke up about 6 PM and had a chicken finger dinner from the mess hall.

We worked on "thank you" notes for a while, watched a TV documentary on Iwo Jima by PJ O'Rourke. Jason finds them "interesting" I can't watch the bloodied men and listen to the horrific battles of 60 years ago. While Jason talked to Jodi at 9 PM I took pillows and prayer books and sat out in the hall. The hotel lobby is too cold today with persons going in and out and filled with smoke as the residents smoke outside the doors.

What an interesting slice of life I've never experienced before. Obviously, each floor or section has a MP (?) who is on call. One of the front desk employees passed me by on the way to a door next door to ours on my left. He knocked on the door and said, "I need to talk to so and so. I need to see him." One of the doors to my right opens and out comes this guy, not in uniform but with a phone around his ear, you know the kind. He has bare feet and an attitude. He gives me a look, passes me by and goes to the door and with the employee goes into the room. They come out in a few minutes and return from whence they came. A minute later the patient resident storms out of his room, down the hall and knocks and enters the MP's room. He is muttering about his "wife" quite loudly. He stays in the room, for about 5 minutes comes out speaking derogatorily about his wife and storms back to his own room. Interesting, very interesting...the dynamics of the folks who live in Mologne and the support staff who provide structure and safety for the patient residents.

Blessings on all who reside and work at Mologne. May they have healing and peace of mind, body and spirit. May relationships with family and friends be healed. May you all have a restful night, keep us in your good thoughts and prayers.


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