Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Monday, March 27, 2006

Lisa visits: Sunday/Purple Heart for Jason

Jason and I slept in, I left him sleeping and headed downstairs to get his morning bagel and cream cheese. I drove to Ron's to pick Lisa up in time to attend Mass at Walter Reed. When we returned to the room after church, we began to discuss what we could do today as Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld was coming at 4 PM for visits and to award the Purple Heart to 4 soldiers in WR.

Jason decided that the best opportunity would be to head for Cleveland Park and lunch at Yannis, an excellent Greek restaurant where he and I had lunch with Dennis on his earlier visit. During lunch we had a lively discussion of Flylady, a web-based program to help you organize and clean your home. Jason had not heard of the program and shared "We just each took care of our own mess" including cleaning their own bathroom, when he lived in Hinesville, GA (off campus for Ft. Stewart). Lisa plans on focusing on the program this summer to help her children: 9, 8, and 5 learn to be responsible for their family's home. After lunch we headed to the local Petco (I believe) located across from the restaurant and spent some time selecting treats for pets at Ron's to say, "Thank you" for his wonderful hospitality and friendship to all who have stayed there, especially Lisa.

We returned to WR at 3 PM giving us lots of time to help Jason dress in his uniform and arrive at the 5th floor in time for his receiving the Purple Heart. Jason wore his BDU's and tanker boots. On the way to the hospital for the ceremony I began to cry as Jason criticized me for telling one of the other parents about the medal as we left Mologne. I apologized for speaking and said, "I am trying so hard to make meaning of this." I was going to try to be a center of peace when with the Secretary and by sharing Jason's honor from his country was trying to comfort my own sorrow at his deep wounding. Jason gave me a hug.

The ceremony took place in the family room where Jason was promoted to Captain on December 1, 2005. Lisa and I were the only guests present. Three WR staff prepared the room with portable flag on a pole. They were worried because it had no finial and couldn't find one that fit. I don't think anyone noticed except they knew "It wasn't according to code." The staff felt badly that a photographer was not contacted so no official pictures were taken, I am glad that we had three of our own.

Shortly before 4 PM the soldier said, "They are coming." Everyone took their positions, Jason stood from his chair where he had been tapping his fingers on the table (a sign of his nerves?); and in came the Secretary and his wife; I believe his title--Dr. Farmer, head of WR Medical and his wife. Lt. Col Grimsley an officer from Ft. Stewart whom Jason truly admires was present with the Secretary. The Secret Service men with earphones in place stayed out of the room and we never really saw them except for a glimpse later in the lobby. The ceremony itself was very short, 10 minutes max. Orders giving the medal were read; Jason was pinned by the Secretary and then time for pictures. Jason said, "This is the only medal made from gold," an outline bust of George Washington is on it. We found out that Sec. Rumsfeld is from the Chicago area and was representative of the district including Rogers Park in the '60's. Their grandchildren attend the Waldorf school in Rogers Park west of Sheridan on Loyola Ave, our street. Mrs. Rumsfeld said that she is in Chicago frequently to visit the grandchildren. Jason thought it was a "nice ceremony"

Jason told Lt Col Grimsley that men from Ft. Stewart were coming to see him next weekend. Grimsley told Jason that he would arrange for a private tour of the Pentagon if they would like. Of course, Jason said "Yes, sir" so hopefully this coming weekend they will be able to do so. We decided we would leave by the 2nd floor lobby exit as I wanted to see what kind of vehicles the Secretary et al came in to WR. This is where we saw the USSS with phones in their ears and curly clear cords down their necks. I thought it funny that 2 of them just happened to "accompany us" out the door. (I assume my file includes my attendance at the action last Monday; so I am on a watch list. Reminded me of the Vietnam era. The life of a Roman Catholic justice and peace seeker...) Anyways, Jason said the SUV's they drove were "Lincoln Navigators" if I quote him correctly, I not knowing autos that well. A driver was sitting in each one. And so with Jason's Purple Heart ceremony over we headed back to Mologne.

It was going on 4 PM when we returned to Mologne. I said I would have to do some grocery shopping before we went out so I headed to the Safeway. As this was our last evening with Lisa, "What to do?" How about a movie? Jason let Lisa decide so we headed to Silver Spring to see "Failure to Launch" a good date movie; with both light and serious moments concerning relationships whether they be of the children's or parent's generations. We all enjoyed the movie. After it was time to return Lisa to Ron's who would drive her to the airport for her early flight home so she wouldn't miss Jonathan's eigth birthday on Monday.

Special thanks today for the wonderful blessing of being able to spend the weekend with my children. How rare these treasured moments are. How truly a blessing after Jason's very serious wounding bringing him so close to death. Everyday I am thankful for life and all the goodness given to me. I only desire to be peace and to bring peace in order that no family anywhere would suffer the same. This is the only true thanks that I can give with my llife.

May your families live in peace and hugs and warmth, sharing the circles of our "everyday life" a true miracle. May Jason continue in his miracle of healing body, mind and soul. Blessings on Jonathan as he celebrates his eigth birthday.


Blogger Ron said...

Glad to hear Jason received his purple heart. Jason has made a great sacrifice for all us americans. God Bless you Jason.

Monday, March 27, 2006 11:59:00 PM  

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