Uncle Stan Cohen Visits
Around 4:00 we heard a knock on the door, we thought it was Jason's Uncle Stan come to visit. I opened the door and it was Active Reserve Duty Sargent Joe Leonard. I went with Joe to the Cherry Blossom Festival in March. We were happy to see him. "Got to tell you, I am leaving WR tomorrow!" Jason said, "Outstanding" I felt sad as I am going to miss Joe. His commander back in MN has worked it out that Joe can return to his home and family and if Med Board is in his future, Joe can do it through the local Army connections. Joe will have to go to Mississippi to be demobalized than head home to his wife and two preschool age children! We were so happy for Joe. Jason took our picture together and we exchanged addresses and email. It was so good to see Joe before he left and so glad he took the time to stop by. He has purchased a new car, a Honda I believe so will be driving home. I am so happy for this young man who I know will make a wonderful deacon and maybe a married priest one day. May God keep Joe and his family in the palm of God's hand.
Then we decided I should check down in the Mologne lobby. Maybe Uncle Stan was waiting. I headed down and the lobby was full of folks including Stan! Stan said he had just arrived as traffic had been heavy. He and I headed to the room where Jason was waiting. Jason said, "Let's head out to Silver Springs for a coffee." We sat outside with a Starbucks and talked for awhile then headed for the Macaroni Grill and dinner of pasta. Jason and Stan spent the time talking about stocks especially in the gaming industry and wines as that is also one of Stan's many interests. Jason asked about the work of security at embassies as one of his fellow officers was looking for such a position. I thought that we might top dinner off by stopping at the Ben and Jerry's for a shake for Jason but Jason didn't suggest, must have been too full from his pasta dish. Jason drove back to Mologne and we said "Goodbye" to Stan. Jason will not be able to see him again as Stan returns to Brussels on Saturday. Jason promised that Jodi and he would try to visit Stan, Judy and Ben in Brussels, possibly in the fall. I remember Jason telling me, "I want to make memories, not remember them," very early after his injury and arrival at WR. I really do believe Jason and Jodi will do just that.
Katy's Tuesday:
Today it was my honor and privilege to attend the funeral service "In Celebaration and in Thanksgiving for the Life of Alessandro Carbonaro: April 19, 1978-May 10, 2006. I would especially like to remember the Honor Guard of Motorcycle Riders who stood in lines each holding a flag. Each of them a veteran him or herself. It was a clear blue sky day with a strong wind and the flags did wave in salute as the honor guard of Marines brought the flag covered casket from the hearse into the Cathedral foyer where the family waited.
The service was very moving with two young men both friends of Alex giving tribute to his life. As they fought to hold back tears we listeners could not and openly cried as we heard of the care of Alex for his brothers especially in the Marines. The music was beautiful especially the children's choir which sang Panga Linqua and the violin solo Allegro from Concerto in E by Vivaldi
We then travelled to Arlington Cementary via the St Albans (affiliated with the Cathedral) school bus where Gilda teaches Spanish. We first gathered in a center for families then drove to the gravesite where final prayers were said. The Marine Honor Guard presented flags one to the parents of Alex and one to his widow Gilly. Taps was played on the bugle and a gun salute was given. My heart was touched at the beauty of the folding of the flag that had draped the coffin and when it was given to the family. All were invited to say a final goodbye at the coffin.
I would like to share from the service prayers
Almighty God, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give you thanks for all your servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country, especially Alex and his teammates Cory Paler, Stephen Bixler, and Bradley Fulkes. Grant to them your mercy and the ight of your presence. We commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad, especially Alex's surviving treammate Jeffrey Elmore. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace: strengthen them in their trials; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be.
This was written as a poem but the blog does not permit such spacing.
From an Old Marine
Mom, Dad weep for me. For the drooping bouquet of buttercups I brought you when I was little, For the times I sought comfort in your arms when I was scared, For the perfect throw to first base, For the dropped infield fly.
I know that my mother turned to my father in the night, Saying please don't let anything happen to my little boy. I know that my father made pledges he knew he had no way to keep. I knew their love, every day of my life.
My darling wife, weep for me, For I knew your love. It was always you with whom I wanted eternity, With whom I wanted children of our own, Wiping noses, carrying them on my shoulders when they are tired.
Marines with whom I shared danger, hardship and mirth, I thank you for your friendship, for your help. I tried my best to keep you safe, so that your might go home whole. I love others who have always loved me, But none more than you, my brothers.
My countrymen, my fellow Americans, I freely chose to serve you in this way. I was proud to serve, glad to wear the uniform. Did I die for anyone's freedom, in the defense of my country and loved ones? Ask yourselves when you look into the faces of those I loved. Go and act as their eyes tell you.
I am part of you, from you, of you. Am, not was, for I live in you.
By Doug Nelson; May 10, 2006
It was a special blessing to see many of the members of Military Families Speak Out(MFSO) present at the service and burial. Also present were members of Gold Star Families, those who have lost a soldier in this war. These members especially Gilda, Nan, Mike, Jeff were present and supported us and Jason in those life-threatening first days at Walter Reed when Jason needed someone around the clock to keep him from choking on his own blood and mucous. As we stood in the large group gathered at the graveside to say our final "Goodbyes" to Alex I felt a golden cord of love and compassion and peacemaking between us all. Wrapping Gilda and her family in bonds of friendship. Amidst despair the golden bonds of hope, working that one day the world will say, "War is Not the Answer" (Rev. Martin Luther King)Let us keep all those who have died and their families in our thoughts and prayers. Let us strive to enflesh the American ideals to honor these fallen soldiers who went to war in our name and did not return to their loved ones.
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