How is Katy doing?
People have been asking "How is Katy doing?" after a month at Jason's bedside. Many of you know that I have been a peace activist since Vietnam and have marched in DC against that war and this one. When in Chicago I regularly attend the Tuesday morning Prayer Vigil for Peace started immediately after 9/11/01
I give thanks
1. For Dr. Gus Cwik my Jungian analyst who has walked the journey with me especially these last four years with Jason in the military and Iraq. Dr. Gus told me, "Katy you are prepared for this experience into which you are plunged."
2. For Sister Pat Bergen and her community of Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange. Sr. Pat is my spiritual director during this past year when Jason has been in Iraq. Thank you for your spiritual wisdom and holding us in prayer.
3. For the Roman Catholic faith communities of St. Gertrude's and St. Harold Washington in Chicago and my faith communities here of the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass at WR and the Wednesday liturgy of Quixote Center. For all the faith communities praying for Jason whether they be parishes, congregations, orders, for all the members of other Christian communities and other faith communities. For prayer groups and scripture groups, for all the circles to which you have brought the needs for healing of Jason. For the parish of Holy Trinity here in DC and its wonderful hospitality and friendship under the leadership of Cathy Quinn. For all the great theologians of the RCC including Fr. John Dear SJ, and the brothers Phil and Dan Berrigan, Fr. David Corcoran and his wife Barbara, for Kathy Kelly and Voices in theWilderness.
4. For my ministry of chaplain at Hospice Partners and all my fellow hospice workers and friends for teaching me the meaning of compassion for patient and family and working together as a team.
5. For the great RC reform groups and their members who are supporting us including Women's Ordination Conference, Call to Action, Corpus, and Spiritus Christi of Rochester NY. Your energy to enflesh the Dream of Sophia for the People of God assures me of Godde's Presence and supports my belief in Godde even in this most difficult experience and challenge of my life.
6. For the peace movement especially Pax Christi, SOA Watch, Sojourners, MFSO, Jonah House, Christian Peacemaking Teams, Quixote Center, the Taize community, Bishop Walter Sullivan-Bishop of Peace and past President of Pax Christi USA, the Tuesday morning peace vigil members and Pax Christi at St. Gertrude's. We bind up the wounds of war for Jason as did the Good Samaritan to the man bloodied at the roadside. We speak our truth in the public forum prophesying and challenging our faith and political communities to the Catholic Christian call to be Peacemakers within ourselves and for the larger world.
7. For all the environmental organizations that tend and care for Mother Earth (as I reflect on the environmental devastation of Iraq and all places of war). God's creation given to us through the evolution of the universe and our own evolution to be "meaning makers so that we might have conversations with our God/universe." I thank Rails to Trails, the Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife, Sierra Club, National Wildlife, Audoban Society, Defenders of Wildlife and many others. I want to especially thank the great orders of religous sisters who are doing so much to defend and save the earth especially through promoting the Earth Charter. I would like to thank Dominican theologian (even though the RCC threw you out, we didn't) Matthew Fox, Thomas Berry, Brianne Swimme my favorite cosmologist, and of course Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (sp)
What have I learned?
I have learned that Walter Reed is a place for peacemakers. Our soldiers carry the wounds of war in their bodies, minds and spirits. Jesus calls us to forgiveness and reconciliation from the cross of his own suffering and death. Here Jesus calls me to do His work of compassion and solidarity with those who suffer. Truly WR is a place of healing for all whether soldier or family member, visitor or staff. Thank you for joining us. Come to visit Jason when you can, he will be at WR 9 months at least. Work and pray for peace within yourself, your family, community and our world.
How do I cope?
Each day I spend time in the WR reflection chapel dedicated to Mary, a mother who saw her own son tortured and crucified. Mary is my companion on the journey. I also call on the saints especially St. Lucy and all the soldiers I attended in my hospice ministry as they returned home to our God. I spend time in prayer at Jason's bedside after he has fallen asleep. I believe in the great Christian story; the cycle of life is life, death, life. Death/loss does not have the last word. Life is changed but continues. Jason has a new life, forever changed but the promise is that Jason's life will be rewarding with gifts beyond measure.
I try to frequently walk around WR on the veranda of the 2nd floor. It is 2 miles for 7 times around. During this time I breathe in "pain and suffering" and "breathe out healing and peace." WRAMC is sacred ground, a place of healing and peace. I never expected to be here. It is good to be here. I ask your continued prayers and good thoughts for Jason's healing especially his vision and the reversal of his colostomy. I ask continued prayers for myself that I will be "Blessed are you peacemaker, for you shall be called daughter of God." (Matthew 5)
May your Holidays be bright with the love and laughter of family and friends,
May your New Year be filled with an abundantly rich life,
Blessings on your journey.
I give thanks
1. For Dr. Gus Cwik my Jungian analyst who has walked the journey with me especially these last four years with Jason in the military and Iraq. Dr. Gus told me, "Katy you are prepared for this experience into which you are plunged."
2. For Sister Pat Bergen and her community of Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange. Sr. Pat is my spiritual director during this past year when Jason has been in Iraq. Thank you for your spiritual wisdom and holding us in prayer.
3. For the Roman Catholic faith communities of St. Gertrude's and St. Harold Washington in Chicago and my faith communities here of the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass at WR and the Wednesday liturgy of Quixote Center. For all the faith communities praying for Jason whether they be parishes, congregations, orders, for all the members of other Christian communities and other faith communities. For prayer groups and scripture groups, for all the circles to which you have brought the needs for healing of Jason. For the parish of Holy Trinity here in DC and its wonderful hospitality and friendship under the leadership of Cathy Quinn. For all the great theologians of the RCC including Fr. John Dear SJ, and the brothers Phil and Dan Berrigan, Fr. David Corcoran and his wife Barbara, for Kathy Kelly and Voices in theWilderness.
4. For my ministry of chaplain at Hospice Partners and all my fellow hospice workers and friends for teaching me the meaning of compassion for patient and family and working together as a team.
5. For the great RC reform groups and their members who are supporting us including Women's Ordination Conference, Call to Action, Corpus, and Spiritus Christi of Rochester NY. Your energy to enflesh the Dream of Sophia for the People of God assures me of Godde's Presence and supports my belief in Godde even in this most difficult experience and challenge of my life.
6. For the peace movement especially Pax Christi, SOA Watch, Sojourners, MFSO, Jonah House, Christian Peacemaking Teams, Quixote Center, the Taize community, Bishop Walter Sullivan-Bishop of Peace and past President of Pax Christi USA, the Tuesday morning peace vigil members and Pax Christi at St. Gertrude's. We bind up the wounds of war for Jason as did the Good Samaritan to the man bloodied at the roadside. We speak our truth in the public forum prophesying and challenging our faith and political communities to the Catholic Christian call to be Peacemakers within ourselves and for the larger world.
7. For all the environmental organizations that tend and care for Mother Earth (as I reflect on the environmental devastation of Iraq and all places of war). God's creation given to us through the evolution of the universe and our own evolution to be "meaning makers so that we might have conversations with our God/universe." I thank Rails to Trails, the Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife, Sierra Club, National Wildlife, Audoban Society, Defenders of Wildlife and many others. I want to especially thank the great orders of religous sisters who are doing so much to defend and save the earth especially through promoting the Earth Charter. I would like to thank Dominican theologian (even though the RCC threw you out, we didn't) Matthew Fox, Thomas Berry, Brianne Swimme my favorite cosmologist, and of course Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (sp)
What have I learned?
I have learned that Walter Reed is a place for peacemakers. Our soldiers carry the wounds of war in their bodies, minds and spirits. Jesus calls us to forgiveness and reconciliation from the cross of his own suffering and death. Here Jesus calls me to do His work of compassion and solidarity with those who suffer. Truly WR is a place of healing for all whether soldier or family member, visitor or staff. Thank you for joining us. Come to visit Jason when you can, he will be at WR 9 months at least. Work and pray for peace within yourself, your family, community and our world.
How do I cope?
Each day I spend time in the WR reflection chapel dedicated to Mary, a mother who saw her own son tortured and crucified. Mary is my companion on the journey. I also call on the saints especially St. Lucy and all the soldiers I attended in my hospice ministry as they returned home to our God. I spend time in prayer at Jason's bedside after he has fallen asleep. I believe in the great Christian story; the cycle of life is life, death, life. Death/loss does not have the last word. Life is changed but continues. Jason has a new life, forever changed but the promise is that Jason's life will be rewarding with gifts beyond measure.
I try to frequently walk around WR on the veranda of the 2nd floor. It is 2 miles for 7 times around. During this time I breathe in "pain and suffering" and "breathe out healing and peace." WRAMC is sacred ground, a place of healing and peace. I never expected to be here. It is good to be here. I ask your continued prayers and good thoughts for Jason's healing especially his vision and the reversal of his colostomy. I ask continued prayers for myself that I will be "Blessed are you peacemaker, for you shall be called daughter of God." (Matthew 5)
May your Holidays be bright with the love and laughter of family and friends,
May your New Year be filled with an abundantly rich life,
Blessings on your journey.
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