Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tuesday 11/22/05

Hello to all,
Well, I should have known as soon as I put out the address again: Moving time!
Dow and I are now in Jason's future room at the Mologne House Hotel.
Correct address
Jason or Dow or Katy Scott
Mologne House Hotel Room 316
6900 Georgia Ave NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone 202 577 0992
Does have voice mail!
Please leave a time to call you back as we are out most of the day in the hospital doing therapy rounds with Jason.

Busy day on Ward 58
Dr. Golarz stopped in to change the butt wound dressings. He said he thinks is has healed as it can. Let us continue to pray for healing for Dr. G says if over the next two weeks it doesn't heal more, they are thinking about a skin graft in a very delicate area. We don't really want more surgery for Jason at this time. He has been through so much.

Fr. Rich Spencer stopped by to say that the Knights of Malta take wounded soldiers to Lourdes. Jason is considering the possibility. It would take place late April.

Dr. Patel psychatrist is visiting Jason and has another visit scheduled for this week. We want Jason to be healed in his mind, body and spirit. Please keep Jason's total recovery in your thoughts and prayers.

Jason continues to make laps around the hospital floor up to 4 today. He also continues to work out on the biofeedback computer in OT. He flexes the particular muscles which move a computer picture hand which is how his prosthesis will work. Been told the first practice prosthesis should arrive from CA this week.

Dr. Todd is chasing a Jason sized chair so he can sit outside of bed, eat, watch TV etc. He and I had a good discussion in the hall about "Maybe he should mozey on over to the Pentagon. Go to the Joint Chief of Staff meeting; check out the chairs and politely ask the General sitting in the right sized one to stand up: "Sir, I've got a soldier over in WR needs this size chair." Grab the chair from under the General and hightail it back to Jason's room! I think it would work!

Dr. Todd also presented an application form for a lump-sized payment to the wounded vets of Iraq and Afghanistan. Three soldiers from WR had testified before Congress about the costs for their families because of the long rehabs required from their wounds. A family lost their home, jobs etc. When the budget is passed, the money will be deposited to Jason's checking account.

Visitors today included Bob and Judy Madigan from Blacksburg, home of Jason's favorite football team Virginia Tech Hokies. Jason grew up in B'Burg. Judy and Bob provided our "Chinese take in" a true buffet for Lisa, Jason and us before Lisa headed for the airport and return to her family in time for Thanksgiving. Bryan from Holy Trinity Catholic parish which has introduced so many good new friends for Jason and ourselves stopped in. Bryan brought two smoothies which Jason was working his way through while watching Forest Gump with Judy, Bob and his Dad. Jason wanted to watch FG because if you remember, he also sustained butt wounds. Different taste buds keep giving Jason a "hint of the flavor of food."

Jason said it was a busy day but "that helps me pass the time." For the first time in 5 weeks I will go to our room before 1 AM. Jason gets his meds about 10, it takes about an hour for them to take affect. I always spend a 1/2 hour in prayer by his bedside, do the log, then spend time in the chapel. Today Dow said he would watch Forest Gump and "tuck Jason in." So I finish the blog and head to our new room. Blessings to you all, I keep everyone and your families in my prayers. With Great Affection.


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