Report for Friday/Check on phone numbers
Phone Numbers:
Got a report that some people cannot find Jason's phone number:
Jason is in room 5833, phone is 202 782 9627
Phone for Ward 58 RN station is 202 782 1558
Jason is often out of his room at PT, OT etc.
We will be having a family planning meeting with Jason's team on Monday to discuss discharge to outpatient status. MD, OT, Social Work and the three of us will be present. I will report after that meeting on the possible date for a change of residence for Jason.
Jason is now taking showers in the Ward shower area every time he wants one. Dow is helping him with this task. Dow says, "Lots of towels are needed."
Then I caught up with them in PT where Jason was standing on a balance practice wheel about 4" off the ground. When Jason moved it tilted and he had to manuever his body to stand upright. Then Kyla gave him a ball to pull across his body with his left hand, shoulder to hip and continue to remain in balance. Jason did very well.
After PT Jason went to lunch in his room using the new utensils given to him by OT. They are designed for folks having trouble with their grip, like arthritis and folks like Jason with plates in his wrist. He could use them very well especially the knife which he used to cut up his chicken. I was impressed as his left wrist has very little motion because of the plate and the overgrowth of the healing bone.
After lunch Jason added another session of PT on his own. Jason wants to rebuild his shoulders as he lost everything he had built up in Iraq during his 3 weeks of eating very little because of surgery, etc. His PT Kyla was very surprised but happy to see him and they set to work creating exercises for both upper arms to build strength. 3 sets of ten was the norm. I got to move the weight for him. Jason takes frequent walks around the floor a few laps at a time but at the end of the day, they add up.
When we got back Chris and Dan arrived to spend the evening and Dow and I headed out to go to our first movie since coming to WR. We decided on Harry Potter (I've read the books as has Jason) over King Kong because we couldn't see ourselves sitting for three hours then going out to eat. After dinner we headed back to the room and lights out at 10PM.
I pray that your days are filled with good times for the holidays and keep Jason's recovery in your prayers, especially his vision, his hip injuries, and emotional and spiritual healing. Blessings.
Got a report that some people cannot find Jason's phone number:
Jason is in room 5833, phone is 202 782 9627
Phone for Ward 58 RN station is 202 782 1558
Jason is often out of his room at PT, OT etc.
We will be having a family planning meeting with Jason's team on Monday to discuss discharge to outpatient status. MD, OT, Social Work and the three of us will be present. I will report after that meeting on the possible date for a change of residence for Jason.
Jason is now taking showers in the Ward shower area every time he wants one. Dow is helping him with this task. Dow says, "Lots of towels are needed."
Then I caught up with them in PT where Jason was standing on a balance practice wheel about 4" off the ground. When Jason moved it tilted and he had to manuever his body to stand upright. Then Kyla gave him a ball to pull across his body with his left hand, shoulder to hip and continue to remain in balance. Jason did very well.
After PT Jason went to lunch in his room using the new utensils given to him by OT. They are designed for folks having trouble with their grip, like arthritis and folks like Jason with plates in his wrist. He could use them very well especially the knife which he used to cut up his chicken. I was impressed as his left wrist has very little motion because of the plate and the overgrowth of the healing bone.
After lunch Jason added another session of PT on his own. Jason wants to rebuild his shoulders as he lost everything he had built up in Iraq during his 3 weeks of eating very little because of surgery, etc. His PT Kyla was very surprised but happy to see him and they set to work creating exercises for both upper arms to build strength. 3 sets of ten was the norm. I got to move the weight for him. Jason takes frequent walks around the floor a few laps at a time but at the end of the day, they add up.
When we got back Chris and Dan arrived to spend the evening and Dow and I headed out to go to our first movie since coming to WR. We decided on Harry Potter (I've read the books as has Jason) over King Kong because we couldn't see ourselves sitting for three hours then going out to eat. After dinner we headed back to the room and lights out at 10PM.
I pray that your days are filled with good times for the holidays and keep Jason's recovery in your prayers, especially his vision, his hip injuries, and emotional and spiritual healing. Blessings.
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