Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Rain Came Falling Gently

Jason was up a little late and headed for PT. He had his wound checked and the dressing changed. The wound care nurse said, "It is looking very good." Jason will visit Dr. Golarz tomorrow and see if he is ready for his 30 day con leave.

I began processing out myself, turning in paperwork to be "outprocessed" as Jason's non-medical assistant and to return to Chicago. I only need the non-medical attendant orders to apply for my plane trip home. They said it should be ready on Monday as no paperwork is done on the weekend and signatures had to be collected on the June form. While I was walking in WR one of the RN's Lukenbauch who took care of Jason at the very first part of his stay stopped me in the hall. "Ms Scott? How is Jason?" She was very happy that his progress on the road to recovery was going well. She gave me a hug and I thanked her for her care of Jason and wished her well in her career.

I visited with Chaplain Fran who was feeling better today "I kept down my breakfast." Her appetite has not been the best and the chemo has been making her more nauseous. She will have a cat scan on Monday and meet with her MD's for the results on Thursday to plan future treatment. She said that another chaplain is a patient at WR and is undergoing treatment for cancer also. We talked about the possibility of her using the auto that Ken and Nancy loaned us. I left the info that Fran would be interested in using the auto with Nancy and I hope that it works out. Fran's next relative to visit is not to the 17th of June and we are both sorry that I have to leave so soon. She is looking for a walking partner as she does better if someone is with her. Fran believes she can be here as long as another 6 months. We read the Pentecost story together and said a prayer for her healing. If the cancer is in remission she will return to active duty if it is not she will be med boarded out of the army.

We had dinner with Prof Rich Wokutch of Virginia Tech where Dow worked for 17 years before leaving in 1996. We chatted about his own travels and experiences with the military, he has two siblings who have retired/will retire from the military. Rich is now department head and says it has been a challenge as there has been cutbacks in funding. Jason shared about the research on the next generation of prosthetic arms and his participation in the project. We sat outside for a while and talked and had a Starbucks together. It was a very pleasant time together and good to see an old friend and catch up on his family.

Most of my day had been distributing Jason's clothes to:
  • the Mologne house table (this evening almost all, except for winter sweats, were already gone)
  • a duffel bag for Florida (to Jodi's)
  • a box for storage at Lisa's (Jodi will have to move this summer, apartment being sold)
  • a box for storage at Dan's (will use when Jason returns to Mologne)
  • a gray bag for "Scotland"
Jason is looking forward to meeting with Dr. Golarz on Friday to see if he is cleared for "takeoff"to places far and near. I assume that his leave should be approved.

An Interesting Occurrence:
For those of you who have been reading the blog for a while, you remember the great "Illinois driver's license" chase earlier in 2006 (with one copy getting fried by the irridation anti terrorist treatment.) Yesterday, we got a call from the front desk, "Package for Captain Scott." So down I go and picked up a FedEx from the State of Illinois containing another newly duplicated driver's license for Jason. So Jason is well licensed for his future travels. I take this as an omen that from now on that Jason will receive double in life's blessings! The Universe is being generous to Jason in his "new normal" (as they say at WR)!

Let us pray that all goes well with Jason's wound check up and he and Jodi's life's travels can begin. Pray that I can get us packed and shipped for a Monday(or early next week) leaving. Pray for the next steps in my own life as I leave WR a changed woman and with an unsure future desiring only God's will for my life, living and working for Peace. I left a message for Lisa that Jason will work out his travel arrangements on the Tampa end as Monday is a "already an overbooked day for me." I contacted Ron Castaldi, actually he called me but I was thinking of calling him all morning. I can stay at Ron's home with the dogs and cats and parrots if need be to sync my travel and leaving as Jason may leave before me. When Jason exits, my presence at Mologne is no longer necessary nor paid for.

As we prepared for bed, the rain began falling gently so the future might grow.


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