Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Snail Mail:

Cpt. Jason Scott
WRAMC Building 20
Mologne House Hotel #316
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307

Phone: 202 577 0092

Monday, June 05, 2006

"Up, Up and Away" Uh, Not You Katy, Jason

Ah life at WR, nothing is done until the paperwork is done. And this is true, very true for the Army. Now I have to admit that I have been bamboozled by the paperwork every since I took over from Dow in January. I just got reimbursed for Feb, March, and April because I couldn't figure out the process. Therefore, I knew leaving WR was going to be a challenge for this mother.

I started out by getting up shortly before six so I could be dressed before Jason and I did accomplish that. Jason took a shower, and while he was in the shower I headed down to get the luggage cart so I could load his items and get ready to take them out to the car. I loaded everything and we headed down. Jason told the front desk he was leaving and would return July 4. I am not sure how one gets a room 30 days out, but Jason has to deal with his future quarters. Jason drove to the airport, we said "Goodbye" and he said, "Thanks for everything, Mom." and we gave each other a hug. We had no traffic problems heading S across DC nor did I heading N on 14th this morning. I arrived back at WR about 7:30 and even found a parking space! Good omen thought I.

I headed up to the room one last time, took a shower, ate my last breakfast of Kashi and Starbucks frappacino, packed up what was left, and headed out. Before I left the room, now still and emptied all of a sudden it hit me; I stopped. Almost 8 months had passed, everyday Jason and I were here, or myself when he was in the hospital, it struck me that I would never again return to this room "that had been home to Jason and myself." I sat down on the bed. I gave thanks for the accomodations. I asked blessngs on each person who will stay in the room and healing for all. I gave thanks for the staff who cleaned each day and blessed them in their work. I asked for peace for all who entered room 316 and all of Mologne House. The room filled with peace and I smiled.

I checked the time and it was just about the time that Fran was to go for her cscan. I wanted to spend some time with her as she said she would be alone so I headed to the first floor. Fran was having to drink about a quart of the liquid and was getting nauseasus. She said to me, "When my sister was here she poured some of this stuff out for me and the test went fine." I said, "As chaplain to chaplain, how much do you want me to pour out?" "Till about 200ML"she replied. I said, "Where is the rest room?" I happened to have a sack with me so I popped the container in and excused myself.

Fran thought taking these tests was increasing her suffering and was this kind of preparation necessary? We talked of the Good Shepherd as her image of chaplaincy and I prayed that the Good shepherd would lead her through these tests with "negative" results of cancer for her. Two other patients were also given the bottles and all three commiserated on the taste of the "vile stuff" My heart went out to them all. Fran was told that it would be another hour so I had to leave her then as I needed to begin to "The Great Paperchase" I said, "I may catch you again" but I never got back to see her.

I first headed to the office that handles the monthly updates for non-medical attendant orders. Because I was leaving in June, I needed that in hand to close my account out. It had been signed but not typed. I was to come back tomorrow at 9 and "It will be typed." I then headed to Family assistance on the 3rd floor because I wanted to know about flight times as I assume I will be done with paper work about noon on Tuesday. (So I could easily make a mid afternoon flight to Chicago. I am thinking this timing as that would get me out of the DC traffic madness, worse than Chicago's according to Jason. If not, I will leave early Wednesday like Jason so I again will not have to fight traffic, but I digress.) Well, it was Monday morning and the place was packed with folks wanting to go everywhere. A couple that I had met, their son is going to leave after a week at WR, I thought "a week?" was in checking tickets as they were scheduled to leave at 4 PM. They had come in because when they checked on line, he had a ticket and his wife did not. So they went in first as there was only one person helping this morning.

I spent some time talking to a soldier that was in medical supply at Anaconda and would have been working when Jason went through. He was preparing to go back to his unit that is now stateside but he expects to go back to Iraq as he has two years left on his contract. He said the base was mortared all the time and "sometimes they hit the porta jons." I thanked him for his service and wished him well. He went in before me and spent some time so I looked around and saw Cpt Jantzen whom Jason had gone out with last week. He was planning to go on con leave Wednesday and was checking on his flight. We got into a discussion about the medical equipment he had in his room. I said, "Maybe you can donate it to a free clinic because I don't think WR would want a commode back." We got some info from one of the staff, then Brian remembered, the equipment had a tag that led Bryan to believe it may have been rented. The staff said, "Check with Tricare across the hall." Sure enough Bryan checked and the equipment IS rented so that helps as he can return it before he leaves for his 30 day leave on Wednesday.

Finally it was my turn to check on scheduled flights to Chicago. "We can get you a flight in two hours when your paperwork is done and flights leave for Chicago almost every hour " was my answer. So that was a good enough for me. I should be home later tomorrow ...or Wednesday depending on the paper chase.

I headed to the mess hall for lunch and found three of Jason's Ward 58 RN's having lunch, Thornton, Brown and Crouch. I sat down and we talked about Jason's progress and plans. They are all attending a training program on Trauma Nursing learning the protocols. "Learn, Do, Teach" is the Army method and I think that is a good one. Thornton and Brown will be deployed to Iraq in August, Crouch is getting married next March to a teacher "I met on line." So that's where the 20 somethings go to meet the opposite sex. I wished them all well and headed out to Ron Castaldi's arriving about 2 PM.

Pablo and Cargo were happy to see me, I had purchased a bag of pigs ears for them as a treat. Cargo later got into the bag and "ate them all." He was nice enough to give me the torn sack back! I spent some time pulling weeds and watering the garden in Ron's back yard. Cargo stayed with me and I thought, "I wonder if he would eat red raspberries?" I tried one and he mouthed it but ate it. I tried another and the look on his face was "Keep' em coming lady!" Cargo tried to get them off the bush himself but just couldn't do it. So I kept picking and he kept eating till they were all gone! It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon at "zero speed" relaxing in the sun with garden and dogs and cats all around.

I called Lisa later in the day. Jason had made it, got his car at the Tampa airport, and helped Lisa by taking care of the kids while she took Jonathan to the MD's. Jason will come back later to sort out his stuff in Lisa's garage where it has been stored for about 1 and 1/2 years. They had just finished dinner and Charlie and Jason were discussing politics. It sounds like "The Eagle has landed."

I checked in with Fran and she didn't have to wait too much longer-about 20 minutes; she took the test, then went up to another floor for blood work. She was impressed that the other two folks who had to drink the stuff only took about 15 minutes to do it. I said, "Maybe it is the effects of your chemo that makes it so difficult for you. Fran was feeling so good after the scan that she stopped off at the post Burger King and bought a shake. Getting back to Mologne she found she had "really had a work out" so took about a two hour nap. I am glad the test is over for her and may she rest easy this night. I told Fran that I would call her after Thursday to find the results of it.

I pray that you had a good summer Monday today. May we all rest easy and have good dreams especially Jason, "May Jason dream of his future, bright with hope for great adventures and learning ." I pray that each of you is well, let us continue to send best wishes and pray for Jason's continued healing.


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